National Research and Innovation Agency Indonesia
The National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional) (BRIN) vision is to realize a reliable, professional, innovative National Research and Innovation Agency that has integrity in serving the President and Vice President, and to realize the President's Vision and Mission of "An advanced Indonesia that is Sovereign, Independent, and Has Personality based on Mutual Cooperation".
The organization’s mission is to:
- Provide technical and administrative supports and fast, accurate and responsive analysis to the President and Vice President in conducting research, development, studies and application, as well as inventions and innovations, organization of integrated nuclear energy and outer space operations nationally and monitor control and evaluation of the performance of BRIDA's duties and functions.
- Improve the quality of human resources and infrastructure for research and innovation in the organization of integrated nuclear energy and outer space operations nationally and foster the performance of BRIDA’s duties and functions.
- Organize effective and efficient services in the fields of supervision, general administration, information, and institutional relations.
Objectives include:
- To realize findings, breakthroughs and innovations in science from research, development, studies and application, as well as inventions and innovations, organization of nuclear energy and outer space operations in the context of increasing productivity and competitiveness, improving the quality of environment and disaster resilience, and climate
- To realize superior and competitive human resources, infrastructure, facilitation and utilization of research and innovation
- To realize good and clean Governance in the National Research and Innovation Agency
And strategic goals of the organization are:
- Improve the excellence of research and innovation in science and technology, which can be used as evidence-based policies that are in line with the direction of sustainable development.
- Improve collaboration in the development and utilization of scientific products based on sustainable development priorities.
- Increase productivity and competitiveness of BRIN's research and innovation resources.
- Increase application of science and technology to support the quality of environment, disaster resilience, and climate vulnerability
- Effective, efficient and accountable governance of BRIN
For more information please visit this website.
Project Personnel
The Feed the Future Global Biotechnology Potato Partnership has a research collaboration in the development of late blight resistant potato with the Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops (RCHEC) of the Research Organization for Agriculture and Food (ROAF-BRIN) and the Research Center for Genetic Engineering (RCGE) of the Research Organization for Life Sciences and Environment (ROLSE-BRIN).
Alberta Dinar Ambarwati, Ph.D
Principal Investigator (ROAF-RCHEC)
Edy Listanto, Ph.D
Molecular Research (ROLSE-RCGE)
Rini Murtiningsih, Ph.D
Researcher (ROAF-RCHEC)
Eny Ida Riyanta, Ph.D
Researcher (ROLSE-RCGE)
Tri Santoso, Ph.D
Pathology (ROAF-RCHEC)
Ineu Sulastrini
Pathology (ROAF-RCHEC)