News from the MSU Extension Center for Lakes and Streams
What makes skunks such scent-sensational neighbors?
Published on March 5, 2024
The MSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife is asking the public to report sightings of the striped skunk, an overlooked and under-studied member of the animal kingdom. -
What is this green goo? Recognizing it may help keep pets and people safe
Published on February 6, 2024
Online webinar helps explain what harmful algal blooms are and how to recognize them. -
Top 10 native plants for shorelines that are easy to find
Published on August 14, 2023
These native plants are not hard to locate and can improve your shoreline with their beauty and support of pollinators. -
Found a frog in your food? Don’t let it loose.
Published on August 14, 2023
What to do if you find a stowaway. -
Identifying and managing invasive Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoils in Michigan lakes
Published on August 9, 2023
Some hybrids of this invasive plant are resistant to herbicides, making genetic testing critical for management. -
RIPPLE partners with Motor City Aquarium Society to host Exotic Fish Surrender Event
Published on August 1, 2023
Do you have aquarium or water garden pets you can no longer care for? Surrender unwanted freshwater fish, crayfish, snails, and plants at the first-ever RIPPLE surrender event August 10 in Warren. -
Green stormwater infrastructure: Building sustainable and resilient communities
Published on July 28, 2023
Green stormwater infrastructure practices can protect waterways by reducing pollutants. -
Invasive yellow floating heart: A previously popular water garden plant causes problems in Michigan’s lakes and ponds
Published on June 28, 2023
The invasive yellow floating heart was once common in water gardens across Michigan, but has been a prohibited plant in Michigan for over a decade. -
Educational packaging coming to a local pet and pond retailer near you
Published on June 15, 2023
The RIPPLE program reminds pond and aquarium keepers to be responsible owners and never release unwanted plants or pets into waterways. -
The long lived benefits of trees
Published on June 15, 2023
Trees provide valuable lake habitat long after their lives on land have ended. -
Stop the Cray – Drink Away! A look inside a new collaboration for invasive species education
Published on June 8, 2023
MSU Extension and Trail Point Brewing Co. have joined forces to spread awareness of troublesome aquatic invasive species through a new innovative outreach and education event this summer. -
Freshwater friends: Who’s under that shell
Published on May 16, 2023
Michigan’s lakes, streams, and wetlands are home to ten different species of turtles that are frequently spotted in the spring basking and nesting.