The Center for Research on Ingredient Safety at Michigan State University (CRIS) is one of the few organizations in the world willing to tackle the hard questions about ingredient safety in our everyday products.

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  • Trending – Essential Metals

    Published on July 15, 2024
    With metals found in our foods and beverages making the headlines, in this post we will look at essential metals that we need for our bodies to function.

  • Science vs. Sensation – Dishwasher Detergent Safety

    Published on July 8, 2024
    A few viral videos are making the rounds on social media, raising questions about dishwasher detergent safety. In this post, we dig into the science to help put the risk into context.

  • In the News – Spicy Food Safety

    Published on June 24, 2024
    A recent headline and recall on spicy noodles has folks wondering, can a food contain too much capsaicin? In this post, we review the spicy food ingredient capsaicin.

  • Everyday Toxicology – Exposure-based Risk Assessment

    Published on June 17, 2024
    Regulators, researchers, and manufacturers use risk assessments to determine ingredient and product safety. In this post, we look at how exposure-based risk assessment works to ensure the safety of the ingredients in the products we're exposed to.

  • Everyday Toxicology – Exposure

    Published on June 10, 2024
    Scientists frequently talk about dose, dose rate, and exposure. But, what is exposure? How is our body exposed to ingredients? In this post, we look at exposure and routes of exposure.

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