Field Crops
Final opportunity to scout for soybean cyst nematodes and sudden death syndrome
Published on October 4, 2012
Soybean harvest can be a valuable, final opportunity to identify soybean cyst nematodes and sudden death syndrome in drought-damaged fields, and better prepare yourself for next season. -
Management options for double crop soybeans
Published on October 1, 2012
Information for double crop soybean producers to assess their crop and make important management decisions. -
Fall management tips for drought-stressed hay fields
Published on September 13, 2012
We can’t control Mother Nature, but can manage the drought-stressed hay fields and pastures to minimize further damage for the coming years. -
Fruit Farm financial summary tool to prep for disaster loans
Published on September 4, 2012
Farm financial business summary and analysis forms are now available for farms to download. -
Should I remove corn stover this fall?
Published on August 28, 2012
Removing corn stover has become a common question from producers looking for ways to manage corn residue. Join us for a field day October 4 that will focus on corn residue management. -
Alternative feed for cattle to help ease the drought shortage
Published on August 24, 2012
A program that focused on corn stalks as an alternative feed source helps crop producers put a value on the corn stover that cattle farms may need. -
Winter wheat planting recommendations
Published on August 21, 2012
Improving wheat yields depends on achieving uniform wheat stands this fall. -
Have a strategy when commodity markets go against your position to buy or sell crops
Published on August 21, 2012
Wild commodity price swings are reacting to drought conditions that are leaving some farm producers wondering what they could have done to protect their situation. -
Farms need to start year-end financial plan now to avoid problems later
Published on August 21, 2012
With current commodity prices at record levels and crop yields still unsure 2012 will be a year where farms will want to do some early year-end financial planning. -
Planting wheat following drought-stricken corn
Published on August 10, 2012
Planting wheat following corn may be a reasonable rotation this 2012 season, but excessive nitrogen levels and Fusarium head scab are two potential risks. -
Understanding the drought through the Evaporative Stress Index
Published on August 9, 2012
A look at the Evaporative Stress Index explains patterns of water availability and moisture stress across large areas. -
Choosing cover crops
Published on August 8, 2012
There is help for producers to determine what cover crops they should use in their rotation. -
Mediate disaster-related financial issues – don’t procrastinate
Published on August 3, 2012
Farmers who have experienced crop losses through drought or freeze may benefit by utilizing mediation services if they cannot meet financial obligations. -
Feed inventory essential to producers facing record feed prices
Published on August 3, 2012
Milk producers will be challenged to produce enough high quality forage and concentrate feeds for dairy cows this year due to drought. Dairy farmers should inventory feeds, develop feed procurement and cow culling strategies to offset these conditions. -
Feeding round bales to horses during drought
Published on July 31, 2012
Michigan horse owners should consider feeding round bales this winter if there is a hay shortage due to drought. -
Feeding different cuttings or species of hay to horses during drought
Published on July 31, 2012
Michigan horse owners may need to consider feeding different types of hay this winter and early spring. -
Stretching hay supplies for horses in a drought year
Published on July 31, 2012
Michigan horse owners can develop strategies to stretch their hay supplies through the winter and early spring using forage substitutes. -
Purchasing forage for horses in a drought year
Published on July 31, 2012
Michigan horse owners should purchase hay early this year to avoid high hay costs and hay shortages this winter. -
Nitrate-N distribution within drought-stressed corn plants
Published on July 31, 2012
During a prolonged drought, the bottom one-third of the stalk accumulates relatively large quantities of nitrate-N compared to other plant parts. -
Harvesting drought-damaged corn for silage
Published on July 30, 2012
Precautions need to be taken when harvesting drought-damaged corn for silage.