Biological products available for late season white mold treatment
Published on October 8, 2014
Beneficial fungus is another tool to help growers combat a common fungal disease. -
Demand for healthy foods, growing or not?
Published on September 8, 2014
In the past few years, healthy organic food has certainly become a popular alternative to traditional eating habits. People seem to be spending more money on fruits and vegetables. So why hasn't the food industry seen a substantial increase in consumption? -
Root rot on dry beans common under cool, wet growing conditions
Published on September 2, 2014
The 2014 summer will be remembered as cool across northern Michigan, with late dry bean planting caused by a wet June. -
Nutrient management update and plot tour to feature cutting edge research
Published on August 27, 2014
The MSU Nutrient Management Plot Tour on Sept. 10 will highlight applied agronomic research designed to address issues facing the Michigan field crops industry, including price volatility, climate change, soil health and environmental sustainability. -
North central Michigan field crop regional report – August 21, 2014
Published on August 21, 2014
Control weeds and plant cover crops in wheat stubble. -
2014 MSU Nutrient Management Plot Tour Update held September 10
Published on August 8, 2014
The MSU nutrient management plot tour on Sept. 10 will highlight applied field research to improve plant and soil health and fertilizer practices. -
North central Michigan field crop regional report – August 7, 2014
Published on August 7, 2014
Late planting and cool temperatures slow crop maturity in the north central region. -
Upper Peninsula field crop regional report – July 31, 2014
Published on August 1, 2014
Where soil moisture is adequate, crops are still behind, but developing well. -
West Central Michigan field crop regional report – July 10, 2014
Published on July 10, 2014
Area fields had adequate moisture until rains Sunday and Monday created some flooding. -
Michigan’s Thumb area field crop regional report – July 10, 2014
Published on July 10, 2014
Thunderstorms throughout the region have provided plenty of moisture for crops to grow.