• Bubble Breathing

    When blowing bubbles, we breath in and purse our lips and breath out slowly. When bubble breathing, you breath the same way: in slowly through the nose and out through pursed lips. The next time you're feeling overwhelmed, take a time out and practice bubble breathing to regain your composure and feel calm.

  • Conscious Breathing

    Try intentionally slowing down your breathing. Each time you inhale think to yourself, “I am breathing in for one,” and as you exhale think, “I am breathing out for one.” Repeat this until you reach the number five. Then pause and notice how you feel. You can repeat this breathing exercise anytime you feel overwhelmed.

  • 4-H Mindful Monday: Nature Walks

    Often when we think of mindfulness, we think of meditation but mindfulness can be very active. This video explores how we can gain the benefits of mindfulness through the active practice of taking nature walks.