• Wild Spartans: Invasive Species with Taylor Haas

    Published on December 8, 2020

    In this 4-H Wild Spartans episode, we go upstream to learn about sea lamprey, an oceanic species invading the Great Lakes. Meet MSU graduate researcher, Taylor Haas, learn about his field work, and the education and career path he followed to get there in his presentation, “Invasive Species and I: A Scientist’s Tale of Working with Wildlife from Elsewhere”.

  • Wild Spartans: Science in Zookeeping & Conservation with Caitlin Mack

    Published on November 10, 2020

    In this 4-H Wild Spartans episode, we head to the sub-Sahara to learn about African painted (wild) dogs. Meet MSU graduate researcher, Caitlin Mack, learn about her work on the social behavior and conservation of these rare carnivores, and the education and career path she followed as she discusses “Science in Zookeeping and Conservation.”

  • Wild Spartans: Protecting Michigan's Bats with John DePue

    Published on October 26, 2020

    In this 4-H Wild Spartans episode, meet Michigan DNR biologist, John DePue, learn about his field work, and his education and career path as he shares his work "Protecting Michigan's Bats."