How Do you Stack Up Against Benchmarks? Using the New Energy Efficiency Index Tool
January 22, 2025 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Registration Deadline: January 22, 2025 - 09:45AM
Contact: Caitlin Splawski
Energy use is the second largest operational expense for greenhouses after labor. Do you wonder how your energy usage and costs stack up against other growers of comparable size? During this session, you will be able confidentially compare your numbers with benchmarks developed by those that have completed an energy audit in Michigan in the past.
Aluel Go, Michigan Farm Energy Program Manager will talk about the new Greenhouse Energy Index Decision Support Tool that was recently developed courtesy of a grant from Western Michigan Greenhouse Association. The new tool helps growers to determine their own business' energy efficiency levels and how implementing common energy conservation measures would affect your usage. It will assist greenhouse businesses in prioritizing energy efficiency projects and determine how their energy efficiency measures up to similar sized operations in Michigan.
In order to get the most out of the session, growers should bring a laptop and the following metrics from their own businesses:
- Square footage of their heated and cooled areas.
- Annual energy usage; Electricity (kWh), Natural Gass (MMBTU or Therms)
- Average or latest energy cost per kWh, MMBTU or Therms
You will not be asked to share any of your business' numbers with other participants.
Speakers: Aluel Go, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department Faculty and Manager of the Michigan Farm Energy Program
Cost: FREE
Registration for this event has closed.