The 1,745-acre MSU Forestry Innovation Center in Escanaba is leading a number of initiatives to broaden MSU's impact in the forestry and wildlife sectors

Established 1986

The 1,745-acre MSU Forestry Innovation Center in Escanaba is undergoing a transformation. It is beginning the process of partnership building with members of the forest industry, USFS, MI DNR, and others to broaden the research focus of the station, offer more insight and assistance with non-timber forest products, and reengage the local community. It is working to develop stronger links to campus faculty and act as a conduit for Applied Forestry research and outreach between local partners and campus. The station has a rich history in forest research having lead a number of initiatives to increase the sustainable use of wood in Michigan’s bioeconomy. This work focused on increasing yields, decreasing costs, reducing greenhouse gas and energy losses, retaining rural jobs, and improving supply chain efficiencies. Past research at the center also focused on forest genetics, silviculture and forested wetland management.

In December 2020, the MSU Forest Biomass Innovation Center (FBIC) was renamed the MSU  Forestry Innovation Center to emphasize the evolving focus of MSU AgBioResearch research activities.

Coming Spring 2025 - Live Sugarhouse Webcam and link to Live / interactive cam during sap boiling. 



 Maple Manual Video Series. 


Enviro-Weather Report

In mid November 2022 our wood chip boiler came online and is now heating the entire facility. Real time data from a sensor on the outside of the main manifold before it branches off to the 6 zones that we are heating will return in fall 2024 .



Changes to hunting opportunities on the FIC property!

Hunting is used as just one tool in the toolbox to control deer damage to the research plots and trees growing on the station. After reviewing the hunter database that has been built over the years it became evident that "open to the public" hunting was not controlling the herd, was leading to increasing hunter vs. hunter conflicts, as well as hunter vs. FIC neighbor conflicts. Over the last several years we have experienced theft, vandalism, and a series of after hours misuse of the property and as such we have posted the property to all usage outside of research and are working with the DNR Law enforcement division and local resources to have an increased patrol in the area. We have reviewed the hunter use and success database (specifically those hunters who routinely harvest doe) and have selected hunters in each of the seasons (archery, rifle, and muzzleloader). Only these hunters will be allowed to hunt the property under a new DMAP program. This program will have strict rules of baiting, check in and check out protocols, earn a buck requirements, antler point restrictions, and CWD testing. Our goal is to have a better relationship with fewer hunters and position those hunters to be highly successful with a healthier buck to doe ratio and older age class of bucks. Please call and we will put your name on a list of interested hunters if a spot opens up. (906) 786 1575.