• Arándanos de MI: Anotaciones: Pudrición de la fruta por Antracnosis (Pudrición de la madurez)

    Published on October 20, 2022
    La pudrición de los arándanos por antracnosis es una de las enfermedades más comunes y de amplia distribución geográfica en Michigan y en los Estados Unidos.

  • A Field Guide To Soil Sampling

    Published on October 13, 2022
    Soil sampling is a foundational step to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions. This step-by-step field guide is a summary of best practices and recommendations for composite soil sampling to help you do just that.

  • IPM Report to Our Partners

    Published on September 15, 2022
    The IPM Program recently wrapped up a four-year National Institute of Food and Agriculture sponsored project. We wanted to take this opportunity to share with our partners and collaborators the important work we have accomplished together.

  • Fertilizer Cost Comparison Tool (Fruit)

    Published on August 26, 2022
    A fertilizer cost comparison tool to help fruit producers determine how to meet nutrient needs at the lowest possible cost.

  • Spotted Lanternfly Biology

    Published on August 26, 2022
    A new invasive insect pest has arrived in Michigan. Learn about the biology of the spotted lanternfly, including its hosts and impacts, and how it spreads.

  • Costs of Apple Production

    Published on August 23, 2022
    This spreadsheet includes updated cost and practices for apple production in Michigan, compiled by MSU Extension educators and industry members.

  • Bulletin E-3426 Insurance Options for Fruit Growers

    Published on July 20, 2022
    This publication outlines insurance and risk management options available to Michigan fruit growers.

  • MSU Grape Insecticide Rankings

    Published on June 8, 2022
    An overview of relative efficacy for insecticides registered in vineyards.

  • Apple Thinning Strategies 2022

    Published on May 10, 2022
    Tools available for a precise, date-driven approach to apple thinning.

  • Production Record Accuracy Check Template

    Published on April 6, 2022
    A Microsoft Excel tool to assist producers with reconciling production records for accuracy and completeness.