Project - EN

ThiereCookingThis project aims at increasing public and private investments in agriculture through the creation of an efficient process to formulate, implement and monitor agricultural policy with the Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Equipement Rural (MAER) of Senegal.

The goals are to:

  • Improve national capacity in terms of research, analysis and communication of agricultural policy
  • Promote an inclusive dialog on agricultural policy and their uptake by stakeholders
  • Promote an evidence-based formulation and implementation of agricultural policy
  • Facilitate the planning, implementation, and evaluation of agricultural policy
  • Efficiently communicate the results of the project.

The project technical approach consists of linking the three following components:

  • A network of local centers expert in research and analysis of agricultural policy
  • A platform for dialog and inclusive consultation for agricultural policy
  • Informatics infrastructure and tools to manage knowledge and monitoring of agricultural policy. 

Photo: Thièré, a millet based couscous , is being cooked by steam on the stove, Dakar, Senegal, 2016. credit: Sarah Chase-Walsh)
