Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic created major disruptions for international programs and activities. CANR faculty members and students have not been able to travel internationally due to the travel restrictions and public health related issues associated with the pandemic. They, however, have been proactive and have put concerted efforts to address the challenges in innovative ways and implemented several programs using technology and social media.

  • CANR has maintained its relationships with international partners through continued communication.
  • Collaborative research was ongoing through modifications in the research plans and support from the collaborators on the ground in partner countries.
  • Several faculty members have delivered virtual guest lectures in courses, seminars and webinars offered by our international partners.
  • International short courses offered by CANR were converted to online and successfully offered virtually using electronic platforms.
  • CANR conducted special webinars focusing on research, education and extension aspects. A virtual side event on local food systems was held during the 2020 World Food Prize (WFP) virtual symposium.
  • Various international workshops were conducted virtually.

The international community greatly appreciated the efforts and commitment of CANR in continuing collaborations during the unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The CANR will remain proactive in continuing support to international partners in the post-COVID phase.