• Sample Land Division Application

    Published on July 26, 2021
    Sample land division application for use by local government when receiving a request to divide land.

  • Craft Around the World Series China: Michigan 4-H Children's Art Exchange

    Published on June 25, 2021
    This activity provides youth the opportunity to learn about cultural activities as well as creating children's art which tells a story. Every piece of art becomes a visual letter to children in China.

  • Redistricting and Communities of Interest

    Published on March 26, 2021
    A webinar about Michigan's new Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission and the role communities of interest play in Michigan's redistricting process.

  • Restrictions on Zoning Authority

    Published on March 12, 2021
    This pamphlet is a summary of the limitations placed on zoning in Michigan. There are certain land uses which are exempt from zoning, others which might be subject to regulation but can not be prohibited.

  • Local Government Codes of Conduct: Q&A

    Published on March 2, 2021
    Participant questions and answers from the webinar Codes of Conduct: Going Beyond the Minimum

  • Local Government Codes of Conduct: Going Beyond the Minimum

    Published on March 2, 2021
    Codes of Conduct are useful tools for government boards. They clarify a person's role and expectations for member conduct. This webinar uses the planning commission as an example of how a code of conduct can be valuable and how other bodies can use them.

  • Incompatible Offices in Planning and Zoning

    Published on February 17, 2021
    This table is a working draft of incompatible offices with respect to the planning and zoning function of local government. It is based on statutes, Michigan Attorney General opinions, and court decisions, and may be incomplete.

  • Sample #1O: Joint Planning Commission Agreement/Ordinance

    Published on October 26, 2020
    This presents a sample Ordinance and agreement (combined as one) for the creation of a joint planning commission in Michigan. There are many different decisions and ways a joint planning commission can be set up.

  • Local Government Response COVID-19 Panel

    Published on June 18, 2020
    Highlights from a panel of local government leaders reflecting on the first three months of COVID-19 and how their unit of government responded.

  • Planning for Re-Opening Local Government

    Published on June 8, 2020
    Conversations with local government managers about re-opening local government amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.