Summary of Planning and Zoning Decisions 2018
Published on May 18, 2018
A policy brief on planning and zoning court decisions, attorney general opinions for May 2017 to April 2018. -
Michigan Budget Policy for the Incoming 2019 Gubernatorial Administration
Published on April 1, 2018
This paper is intended to provide a general overview of key budgetary issues that incoming elected officials can expect to and should be prepared to tackle in the coming years. -
Michigan Tax Policy for the Incoming 2019 Gubernatorial Administration
Published on March 6, 2018
This is paper one in the ongoing Michigan at a Crossroad Series. The purpose of this policy brief is to provide a concise summary of some of the most important features of the tax system in Michigan, along with a brief guide to some policy proposals. -
Headlee and Proposal A Explained for Michigan Counties
Published on November 1, 2017
This report provides the Michigan Constitution language and stated purpose of the Headlee and Proposal A amendments. The 2016 revenue loss due to both provisions is presented for each county. -
Reasons and Risks: Pension Obligation Bonding in Michigan
Published on November 1, 2017
This policy brief explores pension obligation bonding in the United States as well as in Michigan specifically. -
Data-Driven Decision Making: Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments webinar
Published on October 27, 2017
Bill Anderson and Jeff Nutting of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments talk about how their organization uses data to inform local governments and help inform long-term planning. -
Service Solvency: Ability of Michigan Cities to Provide an Adequate Level of Public Services
Published on June 19, 2017
Using audit reports and F-65 reports from the Department of Treasury, this report identifies Michigan cities that may be service insolvent, or on the verge of being unable to provide fundamental services to their residents. -
A Review of Michigan's Local Financial Emergency Law
Published on May 10, 2017
The paper outlines the four versions of local emergency manager law, and discusses pros and cons of PA 436 of 2012. It outlines four major alternatives to the way Michigan addresses local financial emergencies. -
County Revenue Sharing Program: A Proposal for a New Formula
Published on May 8, 2017
The proposed new county revenue sharing formula levels the playing field between low and high taxable value property counties, accounts for tax effort and adjusts payments annually for inflation. -
Impact of Headlee Millage Rollback, MI Counties, 2015/16
Published on March 21, 2017
Impact of Headlee Millage Rollback, MI Counties, 2015/16