Controlling crabgrass after it emerges
Published on June 27, 2013
Crabgrass has emerged in many turf and lawn areas, and there are several herbicide options available for post-emergence control. -
Two easy tips for avoiding grub damage in your yard
Published on June 27, 2013
July is the best time to treat for European chafer grubs in home lawns, or you can avoid this problem by irrigating more and raising the mowing height. -
Turf and lawn tips during wet, cool weather
Published on June 13, 2013
Cool, wet weather has impacted turf growth, fertilizer applications and turf health. -
When grass produces seedheads
Published on May 30, 2013
Seedheads in lawns are a natural process that can’t be avoided, but keeping your mower blade sharp and applying fertilizer will keep the lawn healthy and looking good. -
Dandelions painting turf and lawns yellow
Published on May 9, 2013
Another annual rite of spring is upon us: dandelions. The best time to control will be at the puff ball stage. -
Quackgrass now appearing in turf
Published on May 2, 2013
Quackgrass infestations in lawns and other turf areas stand out this time of year due to accelerated top growth. -
Watch for European crane fly damage in Grand Rapids, Mich., and Detroit area
Published on May 2, 2013
Watch for European crane fly damage to lawns and golf courses in May. To be better prepared, here are pictures of European crane fly larvae, adults and turf damage. -
Dead patches in lawns or golf course roughs may be from grubs
Published on April 25, 2013
Watch for dead patches in lawns that grow larger over the next three weeks. Learn how to prevent grub and skunk problems in the future. -
Preemergence herbicide applications for crabgrass control
Published on April 12, 2013
Spring has been very slow to arrive, but models indicate many areas of central and southern Michigan may soon be in the optimum application window for preemergence herbicides. -
Reduce lawn and garden damage caused by moles, skunks and raccoons
Published on March 12, 2013
What you can do to discourage pests such as moles, skunks and raccoons from digging up your yard and garden.