
2022 ISFRE Meeting: New Opportunities and Challenges in Forest Resource Economics for Forest Products, Ecosystem, and Carbon Management

May 23-25, 2022, Traverse City, Michigan


2022 ISFRE Student Scholarships Recipients


Arun Regmi, Penn State University

Arun is pursuing a Ph.D. in Forest Resources at Penn State University at State College, PA. He received his MS in Forestry from Mississippi State University. Before pursuing a master's degree, He worked as a Forest Officer under the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation in Nepal. His current research involves understanding people’s perceptions of emerging natural resource management issues (e.g., prescribed fire use) and evaluating economic values associated with forested ecosystem goods and services. His research combines economic theories and behavioral psychology to answer natural resources management and policy-relevant questions. His research area includes non-market ecosystem service valuation, applied resource economics, forest economics, and forest resource management. Recently, he conducted a regional survey across the mid-Atlantic region to examine private landowners’ demand for using prescribed fire and estimate economic values of burning on private lands.


Suchana Aryal, Mississippi State University

Suchana is a graduate student at the Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University. She completed her BS in Forestry in 2019 from the Faculty of Forestry, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal. During and after her undergraduate, she worked as a field/ forest technician and researcher for various organizations in Nepal, including Practical Solution Consultancy Nepal for the project "Value Chain Analysis of Agricultural Crops." She also worked with Nepal Environmental and Scientific Services Private Limited (NESS), Kathmandu as a forest technician and data analyst on the "National Forest Products Consumption Survey and Assessment of Forestry Sector Contribution to other Economic Sub-sectors." She joined Mississippi State University in Fall 2021. Her current project is "A Stand Level Growth and Yield Model for Oak-gum-cypress Forest Type in the Southern Bottomlands" her research interest lies in forest biometrics and forest economics, forest business and forest management

2022 ISFRE Student Scholarships

Deadline: April 7, 2022

2022 ISFRE Student Scholarships is designed to provide financial support for students to participate in this conference. This scholarship covers the registration and shared accommodation (two nights) for two students. If awardees request separate accommodation, each student will be provided/reimbursed for one night accommodation only.


Michigan Forest Association 

2022 ISFRE meeting host team is grateful to the Michigan Forest Association (MFA) for grant support that makes this opportunity possible.


  • Currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate program in natural resources. 
  • Abstract submitted for presentation in 2022 ISFRE meeting. 

 Click the button below to submit your application. 

 Application for 2022 ISFRE Student Scholarship

Please prepare following documents before completing the application form-

  • Most recent CV of the student 
  • Support letter from advisor or college committing to provide travel funding to participate in this conference 

Awardees will be notified by April 15, 2022. 


Feel free to contact Raju Pokharel for additional information.

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