MSU Distinguished Academic Staff honoree credits Michigan 4-H for igniting his successful career
Published on February 27, 2020
MSU Extension’s Brandon Schroeder was recently honored with MSU's Distinguished Academic Staff Award. However, before joining MSU Extension 15 years ago, Schroeder was already a part of the Extension community: he spent his youth as a Michigan 4-H member. -
Youth thrive when adults support and encourage “youth voice”
Published on February 24, 2020
Adults can help youth thrive by encouraging youth voice and establishing a positive relationship with them. -
Youth thrive when adults support and nurture their “sparks”
Published on February 24, 2020
Intentional efforts by adults to help youth identify and nurture their interests, or “sparks,” can help youth be successful in life. -
Essential elements of 4-H: Generosity
Published on February 18, 2020
Youth learn life skills through helping others and having an impact on their communities. -
Teens grow leadership skills through National 4-H Congress
Published on January 29, 2020
Michigan teens excelled in leadership at national 4-H event and reflect on their experiences. -
New 4-H year, new 4-H officers
Published on January 2, 2020
The new 4-H year is the time of electing new 4-H officers for a yearlong of learning. -
Youth roles in event planning
Published on January 1, 2020
Youth-adult partnerships in action at 4-H Capitol Experience. -
4-H provides youth with leadership and a sense of community for life
Published on December 30, 2019
A Michigan youth writes of the skills gained through her 4-H experience. -
“Hidden” 4-H projects at the county fair
Published on December 30, 2019
There’s more to the county fair than livestock exhibits, woodwork and food. Don’t miss these little known 4-H projects that are also exhibited. -
4-H leadership programs promote conversations that matter
Published on December 30, 2019
Ways to start great conversations with youth.