Do 1 Thing each month to prepare for emergencies

Take 12 steps, one each month, in 2017 to become prepared for a disaster.

In 2016, we heard and saw many national disasters that people suffered through. Some people were prepared, as best they could be, and some weren’t. Why not start 2017 with the resolution that you will take this year to get organized and as prepared as possible for any emergency that might come your way? 

Preparing yourself and your family for emergencies may seem difficult because you don’t really know where to start. There is help for you and anyone who wants to get prepared. By simply doing one thing a month you can be well prepared for an emergency.

Do 1 Thing is a non-profit organization whose goal is to build more disaster resilient communities. The mission of Do 1 Thing is to move individuals, families, businesses and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient. The Do 1 Thing Board is comprised of members from many different service agencies who work together to help people become prepared.

As stated on their website: When individuals in our community are prepared, emergency responders can help more people. In turn, when people are more prepared themselves, they can help their neighbors.

At the Do 1 Thing website, you can sign up for monthly reminders of what to do each month to become fully prepared for an emergency. One step each month is easy and doable. At this site there are suggestions for both individuals and businesses. 

Each month’s fact sheet is available in a variety of languages at this Do 1 Thing website including English, Arabic, Burmese, Nepali, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish and Swahili. These fact sheets are accessible in large print, by video and by audio.

There are a variety of ways to become prepared for emergencies. The Do 1 Thing project is one of them. Another way to get prepared is to keep up to date, and informed, by reading reliable information. Type the word emergencies into the search box at the Michigan State University Extension website and you will find many articles about preparing for emergencies.

Another excellent resource is the Extension Disaster Education Network, EDEN, whose purpose is to reduce the impact of disasters through education.

If disaster strikes, you want to be able to say: I am prepared.

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