FCCP Meets with Team from Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science at the MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility to Discuss Collaborations

Team members from FCCP and Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) gathered at the MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility mass timber building to discuss ongoing and future collaborations.

The main entrance inside the MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility mass timber building.
MSU STEM Facility virtual tour: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=qg9G2FvtbFB

The MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility mass timber building served as a meeting site between team members from Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) and the MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP). The main objective of the meeting was to review the status of ongoing collaborations and to explore avenues for future work. 

Sandra Lupien, Director of MassTimber@MSU, kicked off the meeting with a presentation on efforts to leverage research, education, outreach, communications, policy, and partnerships in advancing sustainable mass timber construction and manufacture in Michigan. Raju Pokharel, Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Economics in the MSU Department of Forestry, presented a summary of his current work on forest economics and modeling initiatives in the region, including collaborative projects with FCCP. Maria Janowiak, Acting Director of NIACS, provided an introduction to the NIACS team, their history, and their relationship to the USFS Northern Climate Hub. FCCP is excited about this dynamic collaboration and additional opportunities to work together in the future.

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