Michigan 4-H youth compete at national horse judging
October was a big month for the Michigan 4-H horse program!
Spring 2024 was a busy time for Michigan 4-H horse and pony project participants. Many spent time preparing for spring and summer shows, as well as the hippology and horse judging state contests. The Michigan 4-H and FFA Horse Judging State Contest took place on April 13 and saw over 200 participants. The top three senior 4-H teams in that state contest receive the opportunity to represent Michigan 4-H at a national competition in the fall. Ingham County 4-H took home the first place honors, Newaygo County 4-H placed second and Allegan County 4-H came in third.
Ingham County practiced all summer and fall for the 2024 U.S. Arabian Horse Nationals Horse Judging Contest in Tusla, Oklahoma. There, the team evaluated and placed four halter and six performance classes, followed by delivery of four sets of oral reasons to defend their placings. Adelaide H., Tabitha H. and Danykah M. did an excellent job representing Michigan 4-H and brought home the third place overall team award! Both Adelaide and Tabitha placed in the top ten in all categories and as individual competitors. Danykah filled a last-minute spot on the team and held strong after only ten days to prepare; she placed in the top 20 in all categories, including as an individual.
Newaygo County 4-H and FFA practiced hard to prepare for two national contests. They competed at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC) in Columbus, Ohio and the National FFA Horse Judging Contest in Indianapolis, Indiana. Madison A., Taylor H., Sidney I. and Chloe P. did a phenomenal job at the AAQHC, placing within the top 20 overall teams. They also earned a bronze-level placing at the National FFA Convention and Expo.

Placings alone do not characterize the growth, tenacity and success of a team. Both teams faced the challenges of competing in large national contests, tough workouts leading up to the contest, and many late nights of preparation. Congratulations to the team members, coaches and leaders on a very successful horse judging season. Teams around the state have already started to prepare for the 2025 Michigan 4-H and FFA State Horse Judging Contest, which will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025.
Interested in joining a 4-H horse judging team? Reach out to your county MSU Extension Office to find the horse and pony project clubs in your area. Already have a 4-H club and interested in participating in these contests? Go to 4-H Horses & Ponies page on the Michigan State University Extension website for more information about upcoming contests and programs!