Register for feeding your horse for optimal health workshop

Register now for feeding your horse for optimal health workshop held Thursday, March 8, 2018.

Join the MSU Extension Equine Team at the March 8 workshop to learn more about Feeding Your Horse for Optimal Health. Photo credit: My Horse University
Join the MSU Extension Equine Team at the March 8 workshop to learn more about Feeding Your Horse for Optimal Health. Photo credit: My Horse University

Michigan State University Extension recommends horse owners to come to the Michigan State University Horse Teaching and Research Center on March 8, 2018, and learn from University experts and veterinarians about nutrition, laminitis, vaccinations, body condition scoring, forage analysis and much more! Lunch, snacks and a proceeding are included. 

Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Location:  Michigan State University Horse Teaching and Research Center, 3327 Collins Rd, Lansing, MI 48910

Cost: $25 per person or $40 for two people

Registration: Deadline is March 1, 2018:

To register visit: Feeding Your Horse for Optimum Health Workshop Registration and select Equine Events. If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Carla McLachlan at 517-432-5402. 


9:30 am: Check In (Classroom)

10: 00 am: Matching the Feed Tag to the Horse – Dr. Christine Skelly, MSU Extension Adult Horse Programs. Discuss how to decode a feed tag and choose the best feed for your horse.

11:00 am:  Hands-On Sessions (Arena)

Lab A: Monitoring Horse Health – Taylor Fabus, MSU Extension Youth Horse Programs. Learn how to estimate weight, body condition score and take vital signs.   

Lab B: Evaluating Hay – Dr. Kim Cassida, MSU Extension Forage Specialist and Tom Guthrie, MSU Extension State Equine Educator.  Learn how to evaluate the physical appearance of hay, collect samples for forage quality testing, and interpret the test report.

Noon: Lunch (Classroom)

1:00 pm: Recognizing and Preventing Laminitis - Dr. Lisa Tadros, Assistant Professor, MSU College of Veterinary Medicine.  Review the mechanisms connecting laminitis to endocrine diseases and discuss proper dietary and medical management of these conditions.

2:00 pm:  Hands-On Sessions (Switch Labs)

3:00 pm:  Annual Vaccinations: First Defense - Dr. Judy Marteniuk, Associate Professor MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Discuss vaccines that all North American horses need plus other potential vaccines based on lifestyle. 

4:00 pm:  Wrap-up and Evaluation

4:30 pm: Optional MSU Horse Farm Tour

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