Darin Detwiler

Darin Detwiler

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Darin Detwiler wields an extensive array of roles and accomplishments that span the domains of education, research, and policy advocacy. With a distinguished career marked by expertise, leadership, and innovation, Detwiler has carved an indelible path in the field of food policy. 

As an author, columnist, and consultant, Detwiler's profound influence reverberates across industries and institutions alike. He is regarded as a "Food Safety Icon," with a reputation built upon his unwavering service and commitment to advancing the discourse and practice of food safety.  Detwiler is an Associate Professor of Sustainability, Global Economics of Food and Agriculture, as well as Global Corporate Social Responsibility at Northeastern University, where his students have gone on to leadership positions in industry and in state and federal agencies. In addition to 16 years of award-winning experience as a high school math, science, and history teacher, he went on to teach students in undergraduate through doctoral programs for over 15 years. 

For 30 years, he has played a unique role in controlling foodborne illness, serving in appointed advisories for the USDA, representing consumers as the Senior Policy Coordinator for NGOs, serving on Conference for Food Protection councils, and supporting the FDA’s implementation of FSMA.  In addition to his current role as the Chair of the National Environmental Health Association’s Food Safety Program, Detwiler’s leadership capacities include numerous advisory and editorial boards as well as having long consulted on food safety issues with industry in the U.S. and abroad.

Detwiler’s research and insights have appeared on television and in print, including his columns and articles in Quality Assurance and Food Safety Magazineand his books, including his acclaimed 2020 books Food Safety: Past, Present, and Predictions and Building the Future of Food Safety Technology: Blockchain and Beyond.   Dr. Detwiler can be seen in multiple podcasts, webinars, his 2020 TEDxNU presentation, magazine and newspaper articles, books, TV shows, and in the 2023 Netflix documentary “Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food.”

Detwiler earned his doctorate in Law and Policy, focusing on states’ ability to implement federal food policies.  He is the recipient of the International Association for Food Protection’s 2022 Ewen C.D. Todd Control of Foodborne Illness Award as well as their 2018 Distinguished Service Award for dedicated and exceptional contributions to the reduction of risks of foodborne illness.

A U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Veteran, Detwiler continues to serve his country and his submarine veteran brotherhood.  He is the Vice Commander of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (Los Angeles / Pasadena), Vice President / Executive Director of the United States Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation, and an Associate Editor / Contributing Writer for the American Submariner Magazine

Dr. Detwiler is a guest contributor to the IFLR course Regulatory Leadership in Food Law.