José Mauricio Dos Santos Neto

José Dos Santos Neto

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Assistant Professor



I am an Animal Scientist with a background in lipid metabolism and meta-analyses. My Ph.D. was focused on understanding the effects of calcium salts of palm fatty acids on nutrient digestibility, energy partitioning, and production responses of lactating dairy cows. In addition, I have experience running and managing dairy cow experiments, data handling, complex statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, and scientific research presentations. An essential part of my training was obtained at Michigan State University under the supervision of Dr. Adam Lock, where we performed a series of meta-analyses to evaluate the effects of commercially available fatty acid supplements and the role of individual fatty acids on nutrient digestibility, post-absorptive metabolism, and production responses of lactating dairy cows.


• B.Sc. Animal Science, Federal University of Paraíba.
• M.Sc. Animal Science, São Paulo State University (UNESP) (Advisor: K.T. Resende/M.H.M.R. Fernandes).
• Ph.D. Animal Science and Pastures (Advisor: F.A.P. Santos/A.L. Lock), University of São Paulo (USP-ESALQ).


Jose Mauricio Dos Santos Neto


• Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Award (assessment based on grades and curriculum). College of Agricultural, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, (2013).
• Best Student from the Animal Science Department (highest grades). College of Agricultural, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil (2013).
• Merit Award. Veterinary and Animal Science Regional Council, Brazil (2013).
• Young Researcher. National Council of Technological and Scientific Development and Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil (2011).


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Prom, C.M., J.M. dos Santos Neto, and A.L. Lock. 2022. Abomasal infusion of different exogenous emulsifiers alters fatty acid digestibility and milk fat yield of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 105: 3102-3112.
dos Santos Neto, J. M., J. O. Silva, M. A. P. Meschiatti, J. de Souza, J. A. Negrão, A. L. Lock, and F. A. P. Santos. 2022. Increasing levels of calcium salts of palm fatty acids affect nutrient digestibility and production responses during the immediate postpartum and carryover periods in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 105: 9652-9665.
dos Santos Neto, J. M., J. de Souza, and A. L. Lock. 2021a. Nutrient digestibility and production responses of lactating dairy cows when saturated free fatty acid supplements are included in diets: A meta-analysis. Journal of Dairy Science. 104:12628–12646. 10.3168/jds.2021-20699
dos Santos Neto, J. M., J. de Souza, and A. L. Lock. 2021b. Effects of calcium salts of palm fatty acids on nutrient digestibility and production responses of lactating dairy cows: A meta-analysis and meta-regression. Journal of Dairy Science. 104:9752–9768.
Prom, C. M., J. M. dos Santos Neto, J. R. Newbold, and A. L. Lock. 2021. Abomasal infusion of oleic acid increases fatty acid digestibility and plasma insulin of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 104:12616–12627.
Jado Chagas, L., C. A. B. Delveaux, M. A. C. Danés, J. M. dos Santos Neto, F. L. Macedo, R. S. Marques, F. A. P. Santos. 2021. Protein supplementation to early lactation dairy cows grazing tropical grass: Performance and ruminal metabolism. Animal Science Journal. 92:1-9.
Santos, P.F.V.; C.J. Härter., N.C., Dias e Silva., R.F. Leite., F.O.F. de Miranda., J. M. dos Santos Neto., M.H.M.R., Fernandes., K.T. Resende., I.A.M.A. Teixeira. 2019. Evaluation of feed restriction effects on mineral metabolism of intact male, female and castrated male goat kids. Animal Production Science. 59: 2252-2258.
Silva, N.C.D.E., C.J. Härter., F.O.M. Figueiredo., R.F. Leite., J.M. dos Santos Neto., J.A. Negrão., I. A. M. A. Teixeira., K.T. Resende. 2018. Growing goats of different sexes have distinct metabolic responses to continuous feed restriction. Animal Production Science.58:818-827.
Ribeiro, L.P.S., A.N., Medeiros., F.F.R. Carvalho., E.S. Pereira., A.P. Souza., dos Santos Neto, J. M.; L.R. Bezerra., S.A. Santos., R.L. Oliveira. 2018. Performance and mineral requirements of indigenous Canindé goats. Small Ruminant Research. 169:176-180.
Bezerra, A. B., S. Gonzaga Neto., A.N., Medeiros., F.F.R. Carvalho., S.V. Bispo., J.M. dos Santos Neto., A. P. Souza., L.P.S. Ribeiro. 2017. Carcass characteristics of Canindé goats subjected to feed restriction. Ciência Rural. 47:1-6.
dos Santos Neto, J. M., K. T. Resende., A. M. A. Teixeira., J.A.C. Vargas., A.R.C. Lima., R.F., Leite., F.O.M., Figueiredo., L.O. Tedeschi., M.H.M.R. Fernandes. 2016. Net macromineral requirements in male and female Saanen goats. Journal of Animal Science. 94:3409-3419.
Bezerra, A. B., A.N., Medeiros., S. Gonzaga Neto., S.V. Bispo., F.F.R. Carvalho., J.M. dos Santos Neto., A. P. Souza., L.P.S. Ribeiro. 2016. Development of organs and fat deposition in indigenous goat kids under feed restriction. Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal. 17:55-64 (in Portuguese).