Janice Siegford

Janice Siegford

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Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Programs and Research



BS, Cornell University
MS, University of Idaho
PhD, Washington State University
Postdoctoral Research, Michigan State University


International Society for Applied Ethology

Poultry Science Association

Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment Competition

Animal Behavior & Welfare Group, Michigan State University


Dr. Siegford's research examines the impacts of management practices and environment on the behavior and welfare of production animals. Dr. Siegford is currently working with colleagues to relate social behavior to genotypes to improve the welfare of group-housed pigs. Another of her projects examines how laying hens adapt individually an as flocks to non-cage aviary systems being proposed as an alternative to traditional cages. Dr. Siegford also works to develop non-invasive, automated methods for collecting behavior and welfare data from individual animals in their home environments as in her work on a wireless sensor for laying hens in non-cage housing systems.


Dr. Siegford teaches online and face-to-face courses in animal welfare and behavior. She currently teaches an undergraduate face-to-face course on Applied Animal Behavior (ANS 305) and a graduate online course on Animal Welfare Assessment (ANS 805) and helps organize the annual Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment Competition.

Over the course of her academic career Janice has studied science writing (BS, Cornell), zoology (MS, U ID), neuroscience (PhD, WA St), & animal welfare (postdoc, MSU) in species ranging from parakeets & gerbils to companion animals & livestock. She is currently a Professor in the Animal Behavior & Welfare Group in the Dept of ANS at MSU. She teaches online & face-to-face classes in animal behavior & welfare to undergraduate, graduate & veterinary students.


Visit Google Scholar for publication list.

Janice Siegford