Jing Zhou

Jing Zhou

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Major professor: Dr. Mark Wilson

Research interests:  Jing joined SPDC as a doctoral student in 2020. She earned her B.S. in Animal Science and her M.S. in Zoology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior (EEB) from Michigan State University. She has developed a strong enthusiasm for zoo and welfare design. She worked with many local zoos in Michigan and interned at one of the United States’ largest zoo and aquarium design firms – PGAV Destination as a zoology specialist who educated and helped designers with exhibit requirements and animal behaviors. She found that there are no well-established standards and guidelines for the zoo and aquarium design industry to follow and yet there is no detailed enough policy as well. Her philosophy is to design zoos and exhibits based on scientific perspectives to provide animals more suitable and sustainable captive environment which can improve their welfare including stimulating natural behaviors and reproduction.