Steve Whittington

Steve Whittington

Contact Me

Field Crops Extension Educator

989-831-7509 (Extension Office)

309-502-9595 (Home Office)


Steve is a Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Educator located in Montcalm County, Michigan. He has experience in production agriculture, farm business management, veteran advocacy, and agricultural economics. His position covers a large variety of commodities including corn, soybean, potatoes, dry beans, vegetables, and forages. He is a former MSU Extension Military Veteran Program Instructor based in Kent County. Steve has B.S. in International Relations and a Master’s Degree in Agriculture Business from Kansas State University. He also serves as the Farmer Veteran Coalition of Michigan Chapter President. Steve is excited to work with producers and agribusiness professionals to help them successfully produce crops in an economically profitable and environmentally sustainable manner.