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"Jump, Frog, Jump" Family Book Sheet


February 29, 2020 -

Jump, Frog, Jump

By Deborah Guarino

A frog tries to catch a fly and escapes many dangers at the pond.


  • Have them count the boys on the back.


  • Ask them to describe what they see on the cover.

  • Show the children the front of the book. Ask them to guess what the book is about.

  • Stop at any time if there is something you or the children would like to talk about.

  • Ask them questions so that they can connect what is happening in the book to things they

    already know about. Try some of these ideas:

    • Where do you see flies?

    • When do you jump?

    • Where do you like to swim?



  • Spend some time talking about the story. Ask the children things like:  

    • What kind of animals tried to get the frog?

    • How did the frog get away? 

    • What was your favorite part of the story?

Read this book several times to the children. Hearing the same story again and again helps them learn new words and understand the ideas the hear better. Each day, pick a different activity to do with the children after reading.


As you read the book, ask the children to de- scribe each danger that frog encounters. Have them tell you how each thing moves and if it flies, crawls or walks.


Play leapfrog. Place pillows or small cushions on the floor and practice leaping over each one by jumping like frogs. Each time you leapfrog over one, shout “Jump, Frog, Jump!”


After you’ve read the book several times, ask the children to tell you the different dangers that Frog escaped without looking at the book. When they name one, turn to the page of the book they are describing.


Make a Jump, Frog, Jump collage. Using magazines or old newspapers, tear or cut out pictures of things that their frog would escape

from, such as a bird, a dog or a cat.


Take turns pretending to be Frog and jump away from one another. Start with them pre- tending to be the frog, and you are the snake. Laugh together as you try to catch them.


Tell your own Jump, Frog, Jump story to one another. Start the story with a sentence and then have them add another sentence. Continue taking turns telling a story of how your own frog (or other animal) escapes danger.


Create a pond in the sink or a bucket. Use a washcloth as a lily pad, shampoo bottles as trees, and the bar of soap as the frog. Have the children make the frog (soap) jump over obstacles you place in the tub, such as small containers, a comb or other water toys you typically have in the sink or bucket


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