Cloverbud Corner

4-H Cloverbuds

The 4-H Cloverbud program exists as a distinctive component within the total 4-H youth development program. It is designed as a non-formal approach to developing the confidence, social skills, decision making abilities, subject matter knowledge, and physical skills of 5-7 year old youth. As youth begin their 4-H Cloverbud experience, they take part in a unique blend of activities and opportunities specially designed for their age level.

Any St. Joseph County youth, ages 5-7 as of January 1, may enroll in the 4-H Cloverbud program. With guidance from adult volunteers and older youth mentors, they may participate in animal demonstrations and still projects.

Cloverbud club list


Cloverbuds Livestock Policy

The focus of the St. Joseph County 4-H Cloverbud Program is a non-competitive, safe, and enriching project area that piques young members’ curiosity and interest in 4-H project areas. It is the goal of the Cloverbud Committee that, whenever possible, older youth serve as mentors to younger youth.

Cloverbuds will have the opportunity to exhibit still projects, show a rabbit, dog, pig, goat, sheep, dairy feeder steer, and/or horse at the St. Joseph County Grange Fair. All Michigan State University 4-H Youth Development rules and regulations apply to Cloverbuds.

Per the state program policy, 5-year-olds may only exhibit a dog, rabbit, or horse with the direct assistance of an adult over the age of 18. Since safety is of the utmost priority, MSU Extension staff or 4-H volunteers within the species who do not feel that an activity is safe for the youth involved have the right, and are encouraged, to remove the youth from an unsafe situation.

St. Joseph County 4-H Cloverbud Animal Policy - updated for 2024


Cloverbud Still Projects

St. Joseph County 4-H Cloverbud Still Projects