Effective pheromone pest control
Researchers at Trevor Nichols Research Center are looking at new ways to deliver pheromones for mating disruption and pest control.
Trevor Nichols Research Center: An overview
Ensuring economic viability for the state's fruit growers is the objective of the 156-acre Trevor Nichols Research Center, located three miles from Lake Michigan in southwest Michigan.
Taking measures to protect fruit trees
One new and novel delivery system MSU AgBioResearch scientists at Trevor Nichols Research Center are exploring is the application of trunk injection as a superior means of delivering plant protection materials to fruit trees.
Developing environmentally friendly disease, pest management
Field research investigates alternative methods using environmentally friendly tools for disease control. One such disease being leaf rust, which multiplies quickly under the right conditions.
Helping growers control insects
Researchers are studying insect pest issues that affect blueberry, grape, strawberry and raspberry crops in Michigan. The plantings at Trevor Nichols provide the resources for experiments that otherwise would not be accomplished on grower farms.