European chafer: Tips for your lawn
Published on May 12, 2017
Tips and tricks on managing European chafer on your lawn. -
Chinch bug: Tips for your lawn
Published on April 14, 2017
Advice on dealing with chinch bug on your lawn. -
Smart lawn care to protect pollinators
Published on January 25, 2017
Whether you choose weed-free or a more relaxed approach to your lawn, here are some practices that will keep it bee-friendly. -
Identification and Management of Fall Webworm
Published on September 15, 2016
In mid- to late summer, you may notice silk webs beginning to form around the shoots and leaves of your shade trees. -
Phosphorus and Home Lawns
Published on February 18, 2016
One of the primary contaminants of surface water in Michigan is phosphorus. The contribution of phosphorus from urban landscapes has been identified as a significant input for many watersheds in lower Michigan. -
White Grubs in New Sod: What Do I Do?
Published on February 18, 2016
When new sod is put on a lawn, it is not unusual to find some white grubs in loose soil on the flat bed of the truck or in the sod as it is put down. -
Turfgrass Species and Cultivar Selection
Published on February 11, 2016
It is important to select a grass species cultivar that is well adapted to the area, able to perform well and well suited to the intended level of management. -
Performance of Fineleaf Fescue Cultivars and Selections in Michigan 2004-2006
Published on November 23, 2015
Five species of fescue, chewings fescue, strong creeping red fescue, slender creeping red fescue, hard fescue and sheep fescue, are all commonly identified by their fine leaf texture. -
Athletic Field Maintenance Calendar: Turfgrass
Published on October 28, 2015
This calendar contains tips for athletic field turfgrass maintenance throughout the year. -
Bentgrass Cultivar Selection
Published on June 8, 2015
Outlines the performance of bent grass cultivars and selections under putting green and fairway conditions in Michigan.