Michigan 4-H Swine Project Snapshot Sheet (4H1618)
Published on February 27, 2015
This 4-H snapshot sheet covers what 4-H’ers can learn from a 4-H swine project, ways to get involved and resources for learning more. This is one in a series of Michigan 4-H snapshot sheets on a variety of topics. -
Michigan 4-H Animal Evaluation Project Snapshot (4H1628)
Published on February 27, 2015
This 4-H snapshot sheet covers what 4-H’ers can learn from a 4-H animal evaluation project, ways to get involved and resources for learning more. This is one in a series of Michigan 4-H snapshot sheets on a variety of topics. -
Michigan 4-H Meat Science Project Snapshot (4H1632)
Published on February 27, 2015
The 4-H meat science project allows you to learn about the different cuts of meat. -
4-H Animal Science Anywhere
Published on February 23, 2015
The Animal Science Anywhere lesson series is designed to help leaders engage 4-H youth in learning more about animal and veterinary science projects. -
Michigan 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest
Published on December 18, 2014
A way to enter and the rules for the state 4-H/FFA livestock judging contest. -
Michigan 4-H Market Animal Project Record Book
Published on October 17, 2014
4-H Market Animal projects provide youth an opportunity to gain life skills such as record keeping, communication and self-responsibility through raising and selling a livestock animal. -
Zoonotic Disease
Published on October 10, 2014
Learn about germs that can spread between humans and animals, and how to reduce everyone’s risk of catching them -
4-H Animal Care & Well-Being Bookmarks - General Animal Well-Being 4H1709
The 4-H Animal Care and Well-Being Bookmarks are species-specific resources to help provide answers to ten commonly asked questions about animals that youth may encounter when showing at a fair or exhibition.
Biosecurity - Easy as 1-2-3 Poster
Diseases and other germs can easily spread at public fairs and events. Keep yourself and your animals at home safe by putting up this easy to read poster that includes three simple steps for biosecurity.
Be a Zoonotic Disease Detective Activity Book (4H1671)
Check out the handy tips and learning activities in the Be A "Zoonotic" Disease Detective publication, so that you can learn to be a disease detective too!