Help Us Grow

The 4-H Children's Gardens (and all of the Horticulture Gardens) are completely self funded. Therefore, we rely on our donors for the funding necessary for maintenance, updates and programs.

The Michigan 4-H Foundation raises money for all aspects of the 4-H Children's Gardens. Donations to the 4-H Foundation are eligible for recognition by MSU. Visit the 4-H Foundation website for more information.

You can also donate directly to MSU Development and designate those funds for support of the 4-H Children's Gardens. That website can be found at

Garden Bricks

For a $250 donation, the name of your choice will be inscribed on a commemorative brick. Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones and are placed in the Demonstration Plaza of the outdoor 4-H Children's Garden.

Fill out the online brick form here.

Sponsor a Theme Area

Theme areas are sponsored by individuals, groups or businesses. When someone sponsors a theme area, a bronze plaque that contains the name of the theme area, the name of the donor and an inscription of the donor's choosing is added to the theme garden.

Everything you see, and all our programs are only possible because of these sponsorships.

If you know one of our sponsors, be sure to thank them for making this magical place we call the 4-H Children's Gardens possible.

Contact Information

For more information about these and other major gifts to the Michigan 4-H Children’s Gardens, contact:

Jessica Wright, Education Coordinator
Phone: (517) 353-0452