Develop a production plan that applies the fundamentals of plant management (Pathway II.C.1)

Plant Care

A discussion of plant care in relation to plant management could include watering schedules and systems, pest control schedules and systems, fertilization and soil amendment schedules and systems, and pruning or thinning schedules.

Plant Diseases

Diseases are bound to occur in your greenhouse, but it is important to be able to properly ID and know how to treat them.

Greenhouse/Hoop House Production and Management

Greenhouse/hoop house production and management would include things such as planting dates and schedules, temperature control methods and schedules, watering system schedules and methods, pest control schedules and methods, and harvest schedules.


When developing a production plan for landscaping there are many aspects to consider.

Crop Production and Management

A discussion of crop production looks specifically at field, row, or orchard crops.