Declaraciones o aclaraciones de etiquetas de alimentos
Published on October 2, 2021
Toda la información en las etiquetas de los alimentos no debe ser falsa o engañosa. -
Declaraciones de etiquetas de OMG
Published on October 2, 2021
Los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) a veces se denominan derivados de ingeniería genética, de bioingeniería o genéticamente modificados (GM). -
Declaraciones de etiquetas de hormonas
Published on October 2, 2021
Las hormonas son sustancias químicas producidas naturalmente tanto en animales como en plantas. Las hormonas son necesarias para las funciones básicas de las células. -
Michigan Manure Hauler Certification Program Brochure
Published on July 7, 2021
The Michigan Manure Hauler Certification Program is a voluntary training program which helps to prevent manure application problems before they occur through increased nutrient management plan implementation and responsible manure application. -
Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock
Published on July 6, 2021
The Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock (ERAIL) program is designed to provide training and resources for people that may be responding to accidents involving animals. -
Supporting the Animal Agriculture Industry in Michigan
Published on July 6, 2021
As the world responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, MSU Extension’s Animal Agriculture Team focused on assisting farmers with managing risk to their operation and addressing industry disruption. -
Protecting the Health and Safety of Michigan's Agriculture and Floriculture Industries
Published on July 6, 2021
MSU Extension serves the agriculture and floriculture industry by engaging in research, education and outreach that enhances the quality of life of Michigan residents. -
Dairy Milk Label Claims
Published on May 15, 2021
This infographic goes over various dairy milk label claims and what exactly they mean. -
Manure Management for Fairs and Exhibitions- Emergency Spill Response
Published on May 11, 2021
A guide to planning for manure spill response at fairs and expos: #4 in a series of four fact sheets for fairs and expos. -
Manure Management for Fairs and Exhibitions – Storage
Published on May 11, 2021
A guide to developing manure storage at fairs and expos: #2 in a series of four fact sheets for fairs and expos. -
Manure Management for Fairs and Exhibitions- Hauling, Spreading, and Composting
Published on May 11, 2021
Whether you are moving manure directly to a storage facility, transferring manure to a field for temporary stockpile, composting or applying manure, details matter: #3 in a series of four fact sheets for fairs and expos. -
Manure Management for Fairs and Exhibitions – Planning
Published on May 11, 2021
A guide to planning for manure management at fairs and expos: #1 in a series of four fact sheets for fairs and expos. -
Hormone Label Claims
Published on April 6, 2021
Hormones are naturally produced chemical messenger substance found in both plants and animals. -
Antibiotic Label Claims
Published on April 6, 2021
Antibiotics are substances that are produced by one microorganism and have the ability to kill or inhibit growth or multiplication of other microorganisms. -
Food Product Dates
Published on April 6, 2021
Two types of dating may be found on product labels; open and closed dating. -
Food Label Claims
Published on April 6, 2021
All information on food labels must not be false or misleading. -
An Assessment of Manure-based Compost Markets in Michigan
Published on March 15, 2021
A report that farmers can use to make informed decisions about making compost from manure and other agricultural byproducts to increase farm income by selling compost to consumers. The report updates a similar effort that was conducted in 2005. -
Small Farm Manure Management Planning
Published on December 14, 2020
Developing a manure management plan may seem like a daunting task, or something only done by large farms, but the components of a plan can be applied to all types of farming operations. -
Michigan Youth Employment Act
Published on October 11, 2020
AN ACT to provide for the legal employment and protection of minors; to provide for the issuance and revocation of work permits; to provide for the regulation of hours and conditions of employment of minors. -
Michigan Youth Employment Restrictions
Published on October 11, 2020
The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) is continuing a special initiative “Extreme Safety for Working Teens” to help ensure that young workers have the information they need to stay safe on the job.