How to be an involved 4-H parent in 10 easy steps – Step 8: Make 4-H a family activity
Published on October 11, 2017
Your child has joined a 4-H club, now what? Try these tips to help make your 4-H experience a family activity. -
How to be an involved 4-H parent in 10 easy steps – Step 9: 4-H and the county fair
Published on October 11, 2017
Your child has joined a 4-H club, now what? Consider these tips to have a successful and fun week at your local county fair. -
How to be an involved 4-H parent in 10 easy steps – Step 10: What do you get out of it?
Published on October 11, 2017
Your child has joined a 4-H club. So what do you, as the parent, get out of it? -
Michigan youth to celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 1—7
Published on September 26, 2017
During the week of Oct. 1–7, millions of youth, parents, volunteers and alumni across the country will join together for the 75th consecutive National 4-H Week celebration. -
Smiles, laughter and life lessons at the fair
Published on August 4, 2017
Appreciate the adults and the roles they fill at fair. -
The magic of fair
Published on August 3, 2017
Appreciate what happens at the fair for youth participants. -
Michigan 4-H Fire Explorers Club comes to the rescue while building future firefighters
Published on July 19, 2017
With a diminishing number of volunteers in emergency services, including firefighters and emergency medical technician crews, one Upper Peninsula township faced a growing problem. -
Michigan’s first Borlaug-Ruan interns credit 4-H for their success
Published on July 13, 2017
In just three years, two Michigan youth have received the prestigious Borlaug-Ruan International Internship, an honor bestowed on individuals who fight for food security for all. -
Impacts made in Gladwin County through Michigan State University Extension
Published on June 20, 2017
Across the state, Michigan State University Extension is helping youth, adults and communities grow and prosper. Let’s take a look at how Gladwin County made impacts through Extension programs in 2016. -
How to make bath fizzies
Published on May 31, 2017
Bath fizzies are a quick gift you and your kids can make for any occasion. Making them is great way to get kids in the kitchen and learn a little science, too.