Journal Articles
A list of journal articles published by CSIS members, including 3 cover stories in Nature, 24 appearances in Science, and 17 in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
Books and Book Chapters
Selected books (edited books) and book chapters published by CSIS members.
Working with Northern Communities to Build Collaborative Research Partnerships: Perspectives from Early Career Researchers.
Published on May 5, 2016
The growing impetus for local community involvement in northern research result has been efforts to form community-collaborative research programs across disciplines ranging from health and environmental sciences to social sciences. -
Published on April 11, 2016
Natural resource management is a dynamic, goal-oriented process that functions within a management environment and is guided by a team that represents many disciplines. The management environment is a combination of cultural, economic, political, and e -
Inheritance of microsatellite loci in the polyploid lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
Published on April 11, 2016
Inheritance in the expression of amplicons for four microsatellite primer pairs was determined using 10 families created from gametes of wild lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) -
Genetic Relationships among Smelt, Genus Osmerus
Published on April 11, 2016
The genus OsÂmerus is represented by anadromous and land locked forms in the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic oceans and their drainages. -
The MSU Fenske Fellowship: fresh perspectives on fish, management, and law
Published on April 7, 2016
Professionals from diverse backgrounds must collaborate for the management of fisheries and aquatic ecosystems to be effective. These professionals include researchers, managers, and policymakers. -
ENERGY -- Energy sustainability under the framework of telecoupling
Published on April 5, 2016
Telecouplings widely exist in energy systems with various forms and link energy sustainability of different countries closely, so we proposed some methods for energy sustainability analysis under the framework of telecoupling. -
Interspecies Comparisons of Blood Thiamine in Salmonids from the Finger Lakes, and Effect of Maternal Size on Blood and Egg Thiamine in Atlantic Salmon with and without Cayuga Syndrome
Published on March 28, 2016
A lethal thiamine deficiency afflicting larval land locked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in several of New York's Finger Lakes has been linked lo a maternal diet of the exotic, thiaminase-rich alewife Alosa pseudoharengus -
Population Genetic Structure of Dolly Varden from Beaufort Sea Drainages of Northern Alaska and Canada
Published on March 28, 2016
Anadromous northern Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma support a summer subsistence fishery in Beaufort Sea coastal water -
Effects of conservation policy on China's forest recovery
Published on March 18, 2016
Forest loss is one of the most pervasive land surface transformations on Earth, with drastic effects on global climate, ecosystems, and human well-being -
Telemetry research on elusive wildlife: a synthesis of studies on giant pandas
Published on March 15, 2016
Taking a look at "Integrative Zoology". -
Twin Cities meeting update: Where to stay and how to get around
Published on March 12, 2016
Accommodations for the 142nd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting on August 19-23, 2012 are in downtown Saint Paul. The Crowne Plaza Riverfront Hotel is located at the heart of the twin cities, perched upon a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. -
Continuing education program: American Fisheries Society 142nd Annual Meeting
Published on March 12, 2016
The Continuing Education Committee has a diverse set of courses which include a variety of topics, ranging from standardization in electrofishing, leading effective technical meetings, digital photography, and statistical concepts for fisheries scientists. -
Being green will be easy for AFS 2012
Published on March 12, 2016
RiverCentre and the Crowne Plaza Hotel both support green initiatives. -
Annual Meeting tours and eats
Published on March 12, 2016
Take a tour of Historical Mississippi River Sites, or St. Anthony Falls Laboratory. Bike along the Mississippi River with a Park Ranger, and dine out! -
Where waters meet, people greet, and networks are born
Published on March 12, 2016
Conference attendees will have the opportunity to network with fisheries professionals and students, stay current on the latest in fisheries science, and enjoy the sights and scenes of the Twin Cities. -
Emerging leaders empowered to make change
Published on March 9, 2016
“Promote positive change, economic vitality, resource conservation, and enhance the quality of life in Michigan by encouraging leadership for the common good.” -
Utilization of a spatial-decision support tool for the restoration of Chinook salmon in the Columbia River
Published on March 9, 2016
Managers, policy-makers, and practitioners often utilize spatially-explicit decision-support tools for assistance and guidance in managing highly dynamic and spatially diverse environmental systems -
The intern-mentor experience: a ten week sample of the real world
Published on March 9, 2016
The internship experience, a temporary work period lasting three to six months, holds many meanings for undergraduate students -
Developing decision-support tools to enhance aquatic connectivity in the Great Lakes Basin: results of a workshop sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery Trust
Published on March 9, 2016
Interest in reconnecting riverine habitat through barrier removal and other fish passage projects continues to increase, and funding sources are becoming more readily available in Michigan and other Great Lakes states -
The 2014-2015 Fenske Fellowship: furthering the future of fisheries management
Published on March 9, 2016
What does the future have in store for the Great Lakes Basin, and are we ready for it? This is a critical question to consider, especially in regard to emerging issues and potential threats