High tunnel and outdoor production of bedding plants
Published on November 17, 2016
As greenhouse space becomes limited in the spring, you may consider using outdoor spaces and high tunnels. Read on for insight into the benefits and risks associated with these growing strategies. -
High tunnel and outdoor production of cold-tolerant bedding plants
Published on November 10, 2016
As greenhouse space becomes limited in the spring, you may consider using outdoor spaces and high tunnels. Read on for insight into the benefits and risks associated with these growing strategies. -
Crops with relatively low optimum temperatures
Published on May 17, 2015
At temperatures above the optimum, plants experience stress and the rate of development begins to decrease. Learn which crops grow best at relatively cool temperatures. -
Growing your crops above their base temperature
Published on November 17, 2014
Is lowering temperature set points in the greenhouse the best option for you to combat rising heating costs? -
Cold-intermediate bedding plants
Published on February 22, 2014
Bedding plants that stop developing at moderately low temperatures can be labeled as cold-intermediate plants. This categorization is based on estimates of base temperatures derived from research data primarily generated at Michigan State University. -
Cold-tolerant bedding plants
Published on January 22, 2014
Bedding plants that stop developing at low temperatures can be labeled as cold-tolerant plants. This categorization is based on estimates of base temperatures derived from research data primarily generated at Michigan State University. -
Cold-sensitive bedding plants
Published on December 22, 2013
Bedding plants that stop developing at a relatively high temperature can be labeled as cold-sensitive plants. This categorization is based on estimates of base temperatures derived from research data primarily generated at Michigan State University. -
Flowering of petunia at low temperatures
Published on November 22, 2013
Temperature and photoperiod interact to influence flowering of petunia. This article presents research-based information to better understand how to manipulate the environment for rapid flowering. -
Wave petunia smart scheduling
Published on March 22, 2013
We quantified the effects of temperature and photosynthetic daily light integral on flowering time and characteristics of 15 Wave petunia cultivars, then generated temperature-based flowering time models for more predictable greenhouse scheduling. -
Manipulating day and night temperatures to control flowering and heating costs
Published on February 22, 2013
The difference between the day and night temperature influences plant height of many floriculture crops, as well as greenhouse energy consumption for heating.