The latest on plug production: Seedling plug size effects on flowering time
Published on September 22, 2012
We evaluated the effect of two plug sizes on finish crop time, plant quality characteristics, and estimated production costs for five bedding plant species. -
High-temperature stress of bedding plants
Published on May 17, 2012
There are some bedding plant crops that tolerate high temperatures quite well, while others develop heat stress symptoms at lower temperatures. -
Environmental & genetic approaches to lower greenhouse heating costs
Published on March 22, 2012
To lower energy costs for greenhouse heating, we have taken two approaches: to optimize greenhouse temperature on a species- and seasonal-basis, and to develop genetic resources to help facilitate the breeding of crops that flower earlier. -
Scheduling bedding plants for energy-efficient production
Published on February 22, 2012
In this article, we discuss the effects of average daily temperature and starting size of plugs on flowering time and crop quality of a variety of annual bedding plants. -
Watering bedding plants before shipping
Published on August 22, 2011
Although it is desirable to have a moderately moist media at shipping, the foliage should be dry to help prevent disease problems. -
Saturating DLIs for flowering
Published on February 15, 2011
An in-depth look at daily light integral (DLI) and how bedding plants can be classified into different light response groups. -
Implications of base temperature
Published on January 17, 2011
Growers should avoid growing cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive crops together because crop timing, crop quality and heating costs cannot be optimized. -
Daily light integral & flowering of annuals
Published on November 23, 2010
The daily light integral can influence crop timing and quality characteristics including branching, flower number, and flower size. This article presents research-based information on how light quantity influences production of annual bedding plants. -
Reducing greenhouse energy consumption
Published on April 22, 2010
This article outlines our multifaceted approach to improve the energy efficiency of greenhouse crop production, both in the short- and long-term. -
Rapid flowering of pansy
Published on March 22, 2010
Pansy has a unique photoperiodic flowering response. What can be done when varieties don’t flower uniformly or on time?