• LEDs vs. HPS lamps: A reality check

    Published on June 23, 2014
    With all of the promise and potential of LEDs, some myths and misconceptions are being perpetuated - hence the need for a reality check.

  • Control flowering with LEDs

    Published on March 24, 2014
    Is it worth paying extra for LEDs? Researchers at Michigan State University found that the long-term benefits may outweigh the up-front costs.

  • Growing seedlings under LEDs, part 2

    Published on February 23, 2014
    In the second part of a two-part series, Michigan State University researchers share their findings in germinating seedlings indoors under LED lights.

  • Growing seedlings under LEDs, part 1

    Published on January 23, 2014
    In the first part of a two-part series, Michigan State University researchers share their findings in germinating seedlings indoors under LED lights.

  • DLICALC Online Tool: Helps Growers Calculate Daily Light Integral

    Published on October 24, 2013
    Researchers have developed a new tool to help growers calculate supplemental daily light integrals and determine how much supplemental light is required to improve growth.

  • Comparing LED Lighting To High-Pressure Sodium Lamps

    Published on October 24, 2013
    Research at Purdue University is determining how LEDs, providing light of different wavelengths, compare to traditional high-pressure sodium lamps. Part one of a two-part series.

  • Comparing LED Lighting To HPS Lamps For Plug Production

    Published on October 24, 2013
    In the second of a two-part series, research at Purdue University is determining how LEDs, providing light of different wavelengths, compare to traditional high-pressure sodium lamps.

  • Understanding The Differences Between Photoperiodic And Supplemental Lighting

    Published on October 24, 2013
    Let’s clear the confusion over different types of greenhouse lighting.

  • Turning on/off supplemental lighting

    Published on October 23, 2013
    The costs to operate high-intensity lighting in greenhouses are quite high, so operation of lights should be managed as efficiently as possible.

  • Problems with footcandles, lux and lumens

    Published on September 23, 2013
    The horticultural industry should discontinue use of photometric units such as lumens, lux and foot-candles. These units are based on people’s perception of light and are a highly misleading indicator of plant growth and flowering applications.

  • Managing photoperiod in the greenhouse

    Published on March 24, 2013
    This six-page bulletin provides information on how to control the day length in commercial greenhouse production of floriculture and nursery crops.

  • Lighting plugs at different growth stages

    Published on January 23, 2013
    Plants that received supplemental lighting during the entire plug stage were of highest quality. The greatest benefits occurred when seedlings were lighted during the later stages.

  • Maximizing photosynthesis to improve growth

    Published on December 23, 2012
    Plant growth is suppressed when light, CO2, and/or water are not sufficiently available inside greenhouses.

  • Producing High-Quality Rooted Cuttings.

    Published on October 24, 2012
    Researchers study the impact of light during propagation on growth and quality of vegetatively propagated annual bedding plants.

  • Reduce Flowering Time.

    Published on September 24, 2012
    Use these guidelines to give plants the right amount of light during propagation and finishing, and reap the benefits of early, high-quality crops.

  • Which light sensor should I use?

    Published on September 23, 2012
    This article focuses on the different units of instantaneous light intensity and how each is measured.

  • Replacing incandescent lamps

    Published on August 23, 2012
    Incandescent lamps can at least partly be replaced by compact fluorescent bulbs and/or LEDs without losing the ability to control flowering of ornamentals grown in greenhouses.

  • Lighting the way with LEDs

    Published on July 10, 2012
    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are one of the trendiest technologies in the greenhouse industry. There are particularly interesting opportunities with LEDs in the production of young plants and highwire vegetable crops.

  • Lighting greenhouse vegetables

    Published on December 7, 2011
    The primary way to increase fruit yield (fruit number and/or size) is to increase the amount of photosynthetic light provided to plants.

  • The red to far red ratio

    Published on May 23, 2011
    Plants absorb and use most of the red light available to them for photosynthesis, but reflect or transmit most of the far-red light.

  • Saturating DLIs for flowering

    Published on February 15, 2011
    An in-depth look at daily light integral (DLI) and how bedding plants can be classified into different light response groups.

  • Daily light integral & flowering of annuals

    Published on November 23, 2010
    The daily light integral can influence crop timing and quality characteristics including branching, flower number, and flower size. This article presents research-based information on how light quantity influences production of annual bedding plants.

  • The future of greenhouse lighting

    Published on September 24, 2010
    This article, written in 2010, gazes into the crystal ball about how light-emitting diodes (LEDs) will become the primary lighting source for plant applications.

  • Getting the most out of light measurements

    Published on September 24, 2010
    Managing and manipulating greenhouse light levels puts your operation at an advantage. Let’s get your operation started

  • Rapid flowering of pansy

    Published on March 22, 2010
    Pansy has a unique photoperiodic flowering response. What can be done when varieties don’t flower uniformly or on time?