Forest Vulnerability
Published on October 19, 2015
Climate change will affect different tree species and forest types in different ways. Forest impact models can be combined with manager expertise to assess which species and forest types are at risk and which may benefit from projected changes. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: So, You Want to Establish an Energy Plantation?
Published on August 20, 2015
Find out what key elements go into establishing an energy plantation. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: So, You Want to Build a Pellet Mill?
Published on August 20, 2015
Rising demand for wood pellets has sparked interest in pellet mills. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: What is a CHP Plant? (E3093)
Published on August 20, 2015
How a Combined Heat and Power plant used in the forestry industry can benefit us. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: What is District Energy and How Does it Work? (E3092)
Published on August 19, 2015
The general components to a District Energy (DE) system and how they work. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Environmental Risks of Woody Biomass Harvesting
Published on August 19, 2015
What are the risks of harvesting Michigan's forests? -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Emerging Technologies in Wood Energy
Published on August 19, 2015
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Emerging Technologies in Wood Energy -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Wood-based Energy Technologies (E3089)
Published on August 19, 2015
Our lakes, large forest and good transportation system is giving us an advantage. -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Where Does Michigan’s Wood Supply Grow? (E3088)
Published on August 19, 2015
How much of our wood is available and what will it cost Michigan -
Woody Biomass for Energy in Michigan: Why Might Wood be a Good Energy Feedstock? (E3087)
Published on August 19, 2015
Trees contain one of the largest potential pools of energy among renewable sources in Michigan.