• Forest Types of Michigan: Mixed Upland Hardwoods

    Published on November 4, 2015
    Mixed Upland Hardwoods describes the composition, distribution and ecology of mixed upland hardwood forests, and highlights management, forest health and wildlife habitat issues.

  • Forest Types of Michigan: Aspen

    Published on November 4, 2015
    Aspen describes the composition, distribution and ecology of aspen forests, and highlights management, forest health and wildlife habitat issues.

  • Forest Type of Michigan: Northern Hardwood

    Published on November 4, 2015
    Northern Hardwood describes the composition, distribution and ecology of northern hardwood forests. It’s one in a series of 19 bulletins Forest Types of Michigan that focuses on 10 forest types that commonly occur in Michigan forests.

  • Forest Types of Michigan: Tree Planting

    Published on November 4, 2015
    Tree Planting discusses the four major steps for a successful planting: project: planning, site preparation, planting, and monitoring and vegetation control.

  • Forest Types of Michigan: Common Pitfalls to Avoid

    Published on November 4, 2015
    Common Pitfalls to Avoid focuses on the pitfalls of owning and caring for a woodland including lacking professional advice, selling timber without a written contract, enrolling in property tax programs for a wrong reason and planting without preparation.

  • Forest Types of Michigan: What's a Management Plan?

    Published on November 4, 2015
    What’s a Management Plan? introduces the forest owner to management plans. It describes forest assistance programs and lists the benefits and content considerations of a forest management plan.

  • Adaptive Management

    Published on October 23, 2015
    Many of the management practices that are already "smart forestry" can have valuable win-win benefits for climate change adaptation.

  • Adaption Strategies and Approaches

    Published on October 23, 2015
    Foresters and forest owners will respond to climate change in different ways, based on their judgment of the associated risks and opportunities. A range of adaptation actions can be taken, which can be selected based on management objectives.

  • How the Climate Affects Forests

    Published on October 23, 2015
    Forests are affected by the local climate, in addition to being affected by short-term weather events. Michigan's climate has been changing over several decades, and continued climate change could result in many impacts to forests in our state.

  • Forest Adaption Glossary

    Published on October 19, 2015
    New terms are used in the discussions of climate change and forest adaptation. Having a working vocabulary helps to better understand many of the concepts and how they relate to each other.