Raise your hand for Michigan 4-H!
Published on March 28, 2019
Join me in voting for Michigan 4-H to support the next generation of 4-H’ers. -
Understanding culture and family history: Birth and adoption stories
Published on March 12, 2019
Have you asked your parents about the day you were born or adopted? -
Michigan 4-H pilots art exchange with Turkmenistan
Published on February 27, 2019
The Turkmenistan youth have sent artwork to Michigan's Branch County as a start to the exchange initiated in 2018. -
What makes 4-H different from other youth organizations?
Published on February 15, 2019
There are many organizations serving youth across the United States. What makes 4-H Youth Development different? -
4-H in 1930
Published on February 14, 2019
4-H has been around for over 100 years. A year-end report from 1930 provides insight to how 4-H has changed and stayed the same. -
George Washington Carver’s contributions to agriculture in the U.S.
Published on February 13, 2019
George Washington Carver, known as the “Peanut Man,” was a world-class educator and famous botanist. -
Michigan 4-H receives special gift of artwork from China
Published on January 30, 2019
Michigan 4-H received a special gift from China in celebration of their 25 years of partnership with the Michigan 4-H China Art Exchange. -
Michigan 4-H members attend 2019 National Youth Agri-Science Summit
Published on January 25, 2019
4-H members are ready to face the challenges of feeding a growing world population. -
Finnish IFYE international exchange shares her story
Published on January 2, 2019
One way to spend a gap year between high school and college is on international exchange through the IFYE Association. -
Thirty-four years of international friendship
Published on January 2, 2019
Host an exchange student and share your life events and experiences over a lifetime.