Good hay crop in Michigan’s eastern Upper Peninsula
Published on August 5, 2019
So far, local farmers report an above-average yield and good quality hay despite a wet and late spring season. -
Getting the most from your single-cut hay system
Published on August 2, 2019
For a variety of reasons, many hay acres across Michigan are harvested only once per year. Here are some tips for good results in this situation. -
The article every horse show judge wants you to read: Back number tips
Published on July 26, 2019
Many horse show exhibitors are guilty of at least one of these back number-related mistakes. -
Teaching teens to manage horse shows
Published on July 17, 2019
Horse shows provide an avenue for leadership and life skill building. -
Defining horse jargon: Horse sale terms
Published on July 12, 2019
Eliminate confusing horse jargon by defining commonly used horse sale terms. -
Defining horse jargon: Advanced riding terms
Published on July 11, 2019
Eliminate confusing horse jargon by defining commonly used advanced riding terms. -
Increased risk for eastern equine encephalitis for horses in 2019
Published on July 11, 2019
Increased spring 2019 rainfall may result in an increased risk for certain equine diseases. -
Emergency hay and silage forage crops
Published on July 1, 2019
What can you plant late in the season to boost your forage supply? -
Agronomic guidelines for late planted silage corn
Published on June 28, 2019
Management adjustments are needed when planting silage corn late in the growing season. -
Summer annual forage seeds may not be available if you wait too long to order seed
Published on June 18, 2019
Producers are urged to contact their seed suppliers as soon as possible for availability of summer annuals.