One Horse or a Hundred-Manure Management Solutions (WO1021)
Published on October 23, 2015
You’ve got the horse, you’ve got the farm and you’ve got lots of plans. One thing you may not have, however, is a plan for handling the manure your horses will produce. What are the options for responsible manure management? -
One Horse or a Hundred: Manure and Water Don't Mix (WO1020)
Published on October 23, 2015
What’s the big deal about horse manure? Why are our neighbors so concerned about the manure from our horses getting into surface waters and groundwater? There are several reasons why manure and water don’t mix. -
One Horse or a Hundred: Perfect Planning Prevents Problems (WO1019)
Published on October 23, 2015
Believe it or not, some people think horse manure stinks! People don’t like to see it out their window or drink it in their water. By using some planning suggestions, you can prevent water contamination, be a good neighbor and have healthy, happy horses. -
One Horse or a Hundred-You are a Farmer (WO1018)
Published on October 23, 2015
Do you consider yourself a farmer? According to Michigan’s Right-to-Farm Act, if you have one horse or a hundred horses, you are a farmer. -
Keeping Land-applied Manure in the Root Zone Part 3 Spreading on Frozen & Snow-covered Ground WO1038
Published on October 20, 2015
Land application of manure to frozen and snow-covered ground is a common practice in Michigan. The challenge for a livestock producer is to apply manure in a way that is labor-efficient, cost-effective and environmentally responsible. -
Keeping Land-applied Manure in the Root Zone - Part 2: Tile-drained Land (WO1037)
Published on October 20, 2015
Management strategies that keep applied manure in the root zone will make the nutrients available for the next crop, improve soil quality, and prevent manure nutrient and contaminant loss to the environment. -
Keeping Land-applied Manure in the Root Zone - Part 1: Sediment and Contaminant Runoff (WO1036)
Published on October 20, 2015
Management practices that capture land applied manure in the root zone will make the nutrients available for the next crop, improve soil quality, and prevent manure nutrient and contaminant loss in runoff. -
Feeding the Miniature Horse
Published on October 19, 2015
Evaluating your miniature horse's body condition is necessary before you can determine how much hay and grain he needs. -
Ornamental Plants Toxic to Michigan Horses
Published on October 19, 2015
People tend to keep horses, unlike some livestock species, close to their homes. After all, one of the joys of horse ownership is the ability to look out the window and watch them graze. -
Michigan 4-H Animal Treatment Record Sheet
Published on August 28, 2015
Michigan 4-H'ers and other animal caretakers can use the Michigan 4-H Animal Treatment Record Sheet to record information about the animal's treatment history.