• Ornamental Plants Toxic to Michigan Horses

    Published on October 19, 2015
    People tend to keep horses, unlike some livestock species, close to their homes. After all, one of the joys of horse ownership is the ability to look out the window and watch them graze.

  • Michigan 4-H Animal Treatment Record Sheet

    Published on August 28, 2015
    Michigan 4-H'ers and other animal caretakers can use the Michigan 4-H Animal Treatment Record Sheet to record information about the animal's treatment history.

  • Stable Record Card (4H1073)

    Published on March 31, 2015
    This interactive card is designed to be used with the Horse and Pony Project Record Book to keep records in the stable and with the totals carried forward to the project record book.

  • Using Learning Style Preferences to Teach More Effective Riding Lessons

    Published on March 31, 2015
    This bulletin is designed to help volunteer 4-H horse volunteer leaders both in communicating with a rider who is having challenges and in improving all of their group members’ skills by considering something called “learning style differences”.

  • Michigan 4-H Proud Equestrians Program CD-ROM (4H1607)

    Published on March 30, 2015
    This guide covers developing and supporting a 4-H Proud Equestrians Program (PEP). It discusses how people with disabilities can learn and practice riding and horsemanship skills with a certified therapeutic riding instructor. (CD, 2005)

  • Michigan 4-H Proud Equestrians Program Snapshot (4H1637)

    Published on February 27, 2015
    The 4-H Proud Equestrians Program (PEP) is one of a few 4-H-based programs for riders with disabilities in the U.S. Riders include people with physical, developmental, emotional or multiple disabilities.

  • Zoonotic Disease

    Published on October 10, 2014
    Learn about germs that can spread between humans and animals, and how to reduce everyone’s risk of catching them

  • Impact of Livestock on Giant Pandas and their Habitat

    Published on February 27, 2014
    We investigated the impact of an emerging livestock sector in China's renowned Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas.

  • Farm Information Resource Management (FIRM)

    Published on March 27, 2013
    Improve your life and achieve your goals through an educational process that applies management, production and economic knowledge to critical issues, needs, and opportunities.