East central Michigan field crops regional report – July 11, 2013

Crops are rapidly growing with ample moisture and heat. Overall crop conditions are good despite the challenging wet, spring weather.


According to the Ithaca Enivro-weather station, we have received 0.21 of an inch of rain this past week. Surface and subsurface soil moistures are in good supply. The forecast looks like warm, dry weather for the coming week. Crops should make excellent progress.

Commodity reports

Wheat has turned color and is drying down. According to Michigan State University Extension, wheat harvest should begin next week. With the moist weather patterns we have had, there is some concern about head scab and the potential for vomitoxins. Be prepared to make combine adjustments if grain quality is an issue.

Corn growth continues at an accelerated pace. The early planted corn is over 6 feet high and will tassel next week. Some late planted corn has just reach knee high.

Soybean conditions are varied. Some early soybeans have excellent growth and are now starting to flower. Some fields are still trying to recover from heavy, late May rains. Soybean aphids are now easily found. Some hot spots have populations over threshold and some spraying has occurred. Natural control may gain momentum so producers are encouraged to scout frequently and notice if the populations are expanding or decreasing. Do not just apply an insecticide for insurance. Killing aphids at below threshold levels and natural enemies now may lead to even higher aphid populations later.

Alfalfa second cutting is well underway. Second cutting yields have been very good. Leafhoppers are present in many fields. Scout regrowth for potato leafhoppers and be prepared to treat, especially if hot, dry conditions become our future.

Other Michigan State University Extension field crop regional reports from this week:

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