“Hot jobs” in northern Michigan
Northern Lakes Economic Alliance and partners completed a project highlighting “hot jobs” in northern Michigan.
A major problem facing not only Michigan but the nation is a shortage of skilled workers to fill the workforce demand. Michigan State University Extension’s partner Northern Lakes Economic Alliance (NLEA) developed a project to address this issue in northern Michigan. NLEA brought together some of their various partners including the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District, Networks Northwest, Baker College, North Central Michigan College and local employers to share information about regional, in-demand careers and training opportunities.
Thanks to a grant from DTE Energy Foundation, NLEA hired two summer interns to collect and provide the information regarding pathways to local, in-demand careers. Nineteen careers are described in detail through “profiles” in the following workforce sectors: advanced manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, energy, transportation, construction, hospitality, and information and business services. Each profile showcases local education and training opportunities, as well as earning potential, and professional or student experiences including things they learned on their educational journey, their recommendations for post-graduation preparation, daily tasks they perform and their career paths.
Highlighting this project are video interviews describing each person’s venture from education to employment. The materials created will help educate current students, returning students, recent grads, parents and the general public about career pathways to fill local jobs and encourage economic growth. It also serves as a detailed resource to market regional education and training, leading to great career options for those who would like to stay in northern Michigan.
This is a project that any community or region can adopt to educate their youth and returning students about the great education and career opportunities available in their backyard. To learn more about NLEA’s “Hot Jobs” project, check out the portfolios and information on the website.
“Michigan State University Extension has had a unique relationship with the regional economic development organization Northern Lakes Economic Alliance (NLEA) for more than 20 years. Recognizing the strength of combining resources, this partnership focuses on economic development, entrepreneurship growth and community infrastructure throughout a four-county region in the northwest Lower Peninsula, specifically Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan and Emmet counties. As a result, the NLEA utilizes resources offered through MSU Extension as it provides leadership to state-wide programs sponsored by MSU Extension.”