Newborn care for 1 to 2 month olds

Properly care for your newborn beginning on day one.

With your newborns health, they will receive a complete physical exam before they leave the hospital. Unless there are any health problems, they will receive their first pediatric visit sometime within the first month and then again in eight weeks. If you have any concerns or questions, always contact their doctor.

Michigan State University Extension suggests always having all the supplies you need for the bath. If you forget something, always bring the baby with you to get the items.

When bathing a newborn, do so with a sponge or tub bath. Your infant will be coming home with their umbilical cord stump still attached and it should fall off on its own in 10 to 20 days. After it falls off there will be a small wound in this area that will take a few days to heal. Until this area heals you should wipe your infant’s body with a clean, warm, wet washcloth instead of using a bathtub. Regularly wipe their face, hands and carefully clean their genitals.

After the umbilical stump heals, you can then give your infant a water bath either in the kitchen sink or use a plastic tub. Fill the tub with 2 to 3 inches of water. Double check the temperature before you place the baby in there. Support the baby’s head and neck and slowly slip the infant into the tub. When using the kitchen sink, you can place a small towel/washcloth in the water for the baby to sit on to prevent them from slipping. You can use your hand under their arm pits for support. You are ready now to wash your baby with gentle hair and body baby soap. To rinse the hair/head area, simply hold their head back and rinse so that the water does not get into the babies eyes. After rinsing (remember to double check the water temperature) you can wrap the baby in a towel and pat dry. Some children enjoy the bath at first and others it may take time to get used to.

At the infants second month your baby should have their next well checkup. Make a written list of your babies eating and sleeping habits and any other concerns you may have to talk over with the doctor. The next well check will occur in their fourth month. Always contact the doctor with any concerns in-between visits. Having a temperature or diarrhea, especially before reaching 6 months old, can be very serious with dehydration and the child may have to be hospitalized. Call your doctor with any questions about rising temperature or diarrhea incidences. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should consult a doctor if by 2 months your child does not do any of the following:

  • Doesn’t notice his hands.
  • Doesn’t smile at the sound of your voice.
  • Doesn’t follow moving objects with his eyes
  • Doesn’t respond to loud noises.

Again, contact your baby’s doctor with any concerns you may have in-between well visits.

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