Bi-Axis Sweet Cherry Systems Trial

Project goal: To study the influence of rootstock, variety, and bi-axis system for producing a high-quality fresh market sweet cherry.

Project description:  In 2016, we planted a block of high-density sweet cherries to investigate two growing systems, bi-axis upright fruiting offshoots (UFO) and bi-axis slender spindle axe (SSA).  Both systems are trellised and are meant to form a ‘fruiting wall’.  The sweet cherry varieties being tested are on the following: Benton, Lapins, and Santina.  All are planted on Gisela 6 rootstock, but Lapins is also on Mazzard rootstock.  There are six replications of six tree blocks.  Each year data is collected on trunk cross sectional area, canopy size, yield per tree, and fruit quality.

Project lead/collaborators: Nikki Rothwell

Funding sources: Michigan Tree Fruit Commission

Start year: 2016

End year: 2023