Matthew Bernia, M.A.

Matthew Bernia

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Program Coordinator


Matthew Bernia is the Institute of Agricultural Technology program coordinator at Muskegon Community College.

 Matthew is a former IAT student, graduating from the Agricultural Industries program in 2015. After receiving his certificate he transferred to the University of Wisconsin – River Falls where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education. He moved back to Michigan in 2018 where he worked as the Agriscience Educator and FFA Advisor at St. Louis High School (SLHS). During his time at SLHS he coached middle school track, varsity bowling, and served as a class advisor and co-advisor to student council. In 2019 Matthew returned to MSU as a student in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Recourses Education Masters program and earned is Master of Arts in 2021.

 Matthew is a dedicated member of Michigan Farm Bureau, Michigan Association of Agricultural Educators and the National Association of Agricultural Educators. He has served on various committees and boards during his time as a member. In 2021 Matthew was selected by MAAE and NAAE as a Teacher Turn the Key Award Recipient and in 2022 was selected by NAAE as a National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador.